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spanish translation for fire hydrant: boca de incendios

Fire Hydrant in Spanish – Spanish Vocabulary 101


A hydrant is a water point (usually in the street) used to supply water (such as for extinguishing fires, street cleaning, or construction) and connected to the public water supply network. Today we will talk about fire hydrant in Spanish translation.

The Spanish word for fire hydrant is boca de incendios (feminine, Plural: las bocas de incendio).

How does a hydrant work?

A hydrant is a device used to draw water from a distribution system. In the event of a fire, a fire hydrant can thus provide sufficient firefighting water. The connections are tapped with so-called hydrant keys and hydrant standpipes and connected to the fire engine or portable pump.

What are fire hydrants for?

Conventional fire trucks have a water tank and can easily extinguish smaller fires. But for larger fires, fire departments rely on additional water sources. With the help of a fire hydrant, water can be drawn from the mains and the firefighters gain access to as much water as needed for their fire fighting purposes.

Fire Hydrant in Spanish Translation

English ExpressionsSpanish TranslationsGender
fireel fuegomasculine
fire hosela manguera de bomberosfeminine
fire hydrantla boca de incendiosfeminine
fire hydrant signla señal de la boca de incendiosfeminine
firefighterslos bomberosplural
firefighting operationslas operaciones de extinción de incendiosplural
house fireel incendio de la casamasculine
hydrantel hidrantemasculine
independent fire pumpla bomba de incendio independientefeminine
major fireel gran incendiomasculine
nearest fire hydrantla boca de incendios más cercanafeminine
valvela válvulafeminine
waterel aguamasculine
water jetel chorro de aguamasculine
water pressurela presión del aguafeminine
water pumpla bomba de aguafeminine
fire hose with valves
Fire hose with valves — Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay

Example Sentences for Fire Hydrant in Spanish

  • Los bomberos conectan sus mangueras a las bocas de riego y comienzan inmediatamente a extinguir el incendio del apartamento. — The firefighters connect their hoses to the hydrants and immediately begin to extinguish the apartment fire.
  • ¿Puede decirme dónde está el hidrante más cercano? — Can you tell me where the nearest fire hydrant is?
  • “Conecta la manguera a la boca de incendios y luego a la bomba. Y luego apunten al menos un chorro directamente a la viga del techo”, gritó el comandante de los bomberos. — “Connect the hose to the hydrant and then to the pump. And then aim at least one jet directly at the roof beam,” the fire commander shouted.
  • Es un poco como la lucha contra el fuego: la manguera de agua y también la boca de incendios ayudan como herramientas técnicas; pero requiere la institución de la lucha contra el fuego, el conocimiento humano de cómo extinguir. — It’s a bit like firefighting: the water hose and also the fire hydrant help as technical tools; but it requires the institution of firefighting, the human knowledge of how to extinguish.