They are the ones who save us when a fire breaks out. And they risk their lives while doing so, so it is only justified to call them heroes. And oh, did we mention they occasionally save a kitten from a tree as well? We are talking about firefighters, of course.
The Spanish word for firefighter is "el bombero" (plural: los bomberos).
Firefighter in Spanish
Depending on the gender there are two slightly different versions of the Spanish word for fire fighter. The plural uses the masculine form for both genders.
English Expressions | Spanish Translations | Gender |
firefighter (male) | el bombero | masculine |
firefighter (female) | la bombera | feminine |
firefighters | los bomberos | plural |
fire brigade (British English) | el departamento de bomberos | masculine |
fire department (American English) | el departamento de bomberos | masculine |
fire drill | el simulacro de incendio | masculine |
fire extinguisher | el extintor de incendios | masculine |
firefighter helmet | el casco de bombero | masculine |
fire hose | la manguera de incendios | feminine |
fire pump | la bomba de incendios | feminine |
Example Sentences
- En total, 26 bomberos participaron en la operación de extinción de incendios. — All in all, 26 firefighters were involved in the firefighting operation.
- Los bomberos arriesgaron sus vidas para salvar al bebé de las llamas. — The firefighters risked their lives to save the baby from the flames.
- Por sus servicios durante sus innumerables misiones, la bombera recibió una medalla al mérito de manos del alcalde. — For her performance in her countless missions, the firefighter received a medal of merit from the mayor.
- Además de luchar contra los incendios domésticos, los bomberos también ayudan en los accidentes de tráfico y en las catástrofes, por ejemplo en caso de inundaciones. — In addition to fighting house fires, firefighters also help with traffic accidents and disaster relief, such as flooding.
- El bombero sacó el gatito del árbol y se lo entregó a la anciana, que se alegró mucho. — The fireman took the kitten out of the tree and handed it to the old lady, who was overjoyed.
- María se enamoró al instante del bombero que la sacó de su piso y la salvó de una muerte segura. — Maria instantly fell in love with the fireman who had carried her out of her apartment and saved her from certain death.
- Las fuerzas de rescate, incluidos 60 bomberos y 30 policías, hicieron todo lo posible para asegurar el edificio en llamas y apagar el fuego. — The rescue forces, including 60 firefighters and 30 policemen, made every effort to secure the burning building and extinguish the fire.
- El incendio cubrió todo el recinto de la fábrica y se necesitaron tres cuerpos de bomberos profesionales y cinco voluntarios para controlar las llamas. — The wildfire covered the entire factory site and it took 3 professional fire departments and 5 volunteer fire departments three days to bring the blaze under control.
- La policía cerró la autopista mientras los bomberos recuperaban a los heridos y extinguían el autobús que se había incendiado. — The police closed the highway while firefighters recovered the injured and extinguished the bus that caught fire.
The word for firefighter in Spanish is “bombero” (male) or “bombera” (female).