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italian landscape in autumn

Autumn in Italian – Italian Vocabulary 101


Autumn is the time of harvest and for being grateful for the crops, fruit and veg we get from the fields, orchards and gardens. But the autumn season in Italy is also a great time for a holiday in this land of “dolce vita.” So let’s discover autumn in Italian today.

The temperatures are no longer pressing hot but mild, the huge flocks of tourists are mostly gone and the Italians return to their everyday life. And you, as one of the few tourists left, can still sit outside, drink an Italian coffee and watch the hustle and bustle of the Natives. Now is the best time to discover the different facets of Italy in a completely relaxed way and stroll at your leisure through the historic towns of Rome, Venice or Napoli.

The Italian word for autumn is l'autunno (masculine, no plural).
autumn in italian: l'autunno
Image by kordula vahle from Pixabay

Autumn in Italian

Let’s look at some Italian words in conjunction with autumn.

English ExpressionsItalian TranslationsGender
autumn colorsil colore dell’autunnomasculine
autumn dayil giorno d’autunnomasculine
autumnal equinox (British English)l’equinozio d’autunno masculine
autumn fairla fiera d’autunnofeminine
autumn floweril fiore d’autunnomasculine
autumn foliagele foglie d’autunnofeminine
autumn half-term (British English)le vacanze autunnalifeminine
autumn rainla pioggia d’autunnofeminine
autumn termil trimestre autunnalemasculine
autumn weatheril clima autunnalemasculine
autumn wheatil grano invernalemasculine
beginning of autumnl’inizio dell’autunnomasculine
fall (American English)l’autunno
fall equinox (American English)l’equinozio d’autunno masculine
harvest moonla luna piena all’equinozio d’autunnofeminine
late autumnil tardo autunnomasculine
Italian grape harvest
Time to get in those delicious grapes — Image by Federico Ghedini from Pixabay

Example Sentences regarding Autumn in Italian

  • Le escursioni in Alto Adige in autunno, con l’inizio della colorazione delle foglie, hanno un fascino del tutto particolare. — Hiking in South Tyrol in autumn with the beginning coloring of the leaves has its own very distinctive charm.
  • Con il nuovo raccolto, le specialità italiane sono ancora più gustose. — When the new harvest is brought in, the Italian specialties taste even better.
  • L’autunno caldo in Italia prolunga l’estate e fa sembrare l’inverno ancora lontano. — The warm autumn in Italy prolongs the summer and makes winter still seem far away.