Love is the most beautiful feeling that any human being can experience. Saying ‘I love you’ to someone you care about is an important step in building a strong relationship. But it’s not easy to find the right words at times, especially when you are feeling shy or embarrassed.
Love is not something that can be expressed with just one word, but this article will provide useful tips on how to say ‘I love you’ in the Spanish language. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just an ordinary day, these phrases are sure to make your partner feel loved and appreciated.
Chances are you fell in love with a Spanish speaker and need some Spanish love quotes to express your feelings. So we collected a large number of romantic Spanish phrases for you.
Te Quiero – I Love You
We all like to hear we are loved. So you should tell your partner how you really feel. Saying “I love you” is great. But like with all things in life, too much of the same gets a bit dull. So we compiled some variations of the evergreen phrase for you.
- “Te quiero, te quiero muchísimo.” meaning: I love you, I love you very much.
- “Quiero que sepas que eres mi mejor amigo. Y te quiero mucho.” meaning: I want you to know that you are my best friend. And I love you a lot.
- “El amor es lo que siento por ti y te aseguro que jamás lo podré ocultar.” meaning: Love is what I feel for you and I assure you that it will never be able to hide.
- “Te quiero desde el primer momento que te vi.” meaning: I loved you the first time I saw you.
- “No existen las palabras para describir lo que siento por ti.” meaning: There are no words to describe how I feel for you.
- “Todo mi corazón te pertenece.” meaning: My whole heart belongs to you.
- “Te quiero tanto que no se ni cómo expresarte ese amor” meaning: I love you so much that I don’t even know how to express that love.
- “Eres el amor de mi vida.” meaning: You are the love of my life.
- “Eres el amor de mi vida y lo sabes.” meaning: You are the love of my life and you know it.
- “Te quiero más que a nada en este mundo.” meaning: I love you more than anything in this world.
- “Tú eres la única persona a la que amaré toda mi vida.” meaning: You are the only person that I will love for my entire life.
- “No podrías imaginar cuánto te amo.” meaning: You couldn’t imagine how much i love you.
- “Te quiero desde el fondo de mi corazón y eso nunca cambiará” meaning: I love you from the bottom of my heart and that will never change.
- “Te amo con todo mi corazón” meaning: I love you with all my heart.
Romantic Love Quotes in Spanish
Being in love is the best feeling and if you find your true love, your life will be a bed of roses. So, tell your partner how you feel about being with him / her with some romantic Spanish words.
- “Pensé en el día en que me dijiste “te quiero”. Y sonreí.” meaning: I thought of the day when you told me ‘I Love You’. And I smiled.
- “Cuando pienso en ti, me lleno de felicidad.” meaning: When I think of you, I fill up with happiness.
- “Eres la persona que siempre he soñado encontrar.” meaning: You are the person that I have always dreamed of finding.
- “No he encontrado un amor que me haga sentir como tú me haces sentir.” meaning: I haven’t found someone to love that makes me feel the way you do.
- “Cuando estoy contigo, me siento como en casa.” meaning: When I am with you, I feel like I am at home.
- Cuando me miras, todo el universo conspira para que seas feliz.” meaning: When you look at me, the whole universe conspires so that you can be happy.
- “El amor verdadero nunca se acaba.” meaning: True love never ends.
- “Solo te pido que seas mi amor por siempre.” meaning: All I ask is that you be my love forever.
- “Quiero poder pasar cada minuto de mi existencia contigo” meaning: I want to be able to spend each minute of my existence with you.
- “Todo lo que he hecho y todo lo que haré siempre será por amor a ti.” meaning: Everything that I have done and everything that i will do it’s always for your love.
- “Eres mi sol, mi luna y mis estrellas.” meaning: You are my sun, my moon and my stars..
- “El amor es el único sentimiento que tiene un final feliz siempre.” meaning: Love is the only feeling that always has a happy ending.
- “Eres la persona más maravillosa que he conocido en toda mi vida.” meaning: You are the most wonderful person that I have ever met in my life.
- “Me tienes en tus manos y eso es lo más precioso que tengo.” meaning: You have me in your hands and this is what i hold as most precious.
- “Quiero ser tu sol por las mañanas y tu luna por las noches.” meaning: I want to be your sun in the morning and your moon at night.
- “Mi corazón es tuyo y lo sabes.” meaning: You know that my heart is yours.
How to Say “I miss you” in Spanish
Every moment spent with him/her is memorable and it gives you immense happiness. And being separated is hard to bear. So, here are some Spanish love quotes to put your longing into words.
- “Te echo de menos.” meaning: I miss you.
- “Aunque no estemos juntos, yo siempre te llevaré en mi corazón.” meaning: Even though we’re not together, I’ll always carry you in my heart.
- “Nunca voy a olvidarme de ti, porque eres parte de mi corazón” meaning: I will never forget you, because you are part of my heart.
- “Si no estás junto a mí, siento como si el mundo se acabara.” meaning: When you’re not with me, I feel like the world is ending.
- “Nunca he dejado de pensar en ti y nunca lo hare.” meaning: I have never stopped thinking of you, and I never will.
- “Aunque estemos separados, yo siempre te llevaré en mi corazón.” meaning: Even though we’re separated, I’ll always carry you in my heart.
- “No importa el tiempo que pase, ni la distancia que nos separe, yo siempre te querré.” meaning: No matter how much time passes or how far away we are from each other, I will always love you.
- “No hay dolor igual al dolor que sientes al estar lejos de la persona que amas.” meaning: There’s no pain like the pain you feel when being away from the person you love.
- “Cuando estés lejos de mí y llores por el amor que nunca podremos tener, sabes que yo estaré llorando contigo.” meaning: When you’re far away from me and crying for the love we’ll never be able to have, know that I’ll be crying with you.
- “Siempre seré tuya aunque no siempre estemos juntos” meaning: I will always be yours even though we aren’t always together.
- “Nada podrá separarnos, ni el tiempo, ni la distancia, ni nada.” meaning: Nothing will be able to separate us, not time, not distance, not anything.
- “Aunque te alejes, mi amor por ti seguirá siendo el mismo” meaning: Even though you’re far away, my love for you will always be the same.
- “No importa la distancia que nos separe, ni el tiempo que nos tome vernos otra vez. El amor es para siempre.” meaning: No matter the distance that separates us, no matter how long it takes us to see each other again. Love is forever.
- “No importa que nos separe la distancia, siempre habrá un mismo cielo que nos una.” meaning: No matter the distance that separates us, there will always be the same sky that unites us.
How to tell your Partner “I need you” in Spanish
The best way to make a person feel loved is to make them feel needed. But don’t overdo it. You want your partner to feel cherished by you and not as if he or she is being stalked by you.
- “No puedo vivir sin ti.” meaning: I can’t live without you.
- “La vida sin ti no sería vida.” meaning: Life without you wouldn’t be life.
- “Eres el aire que necesito para respirar.” meaning: You are the air I need to breathe.
- “Si te pierdo, no podré seguir viviendo” meaning: If I lose you, I won’t be able to continue living.
- “Tú eres mi razón para vivir.” meaning: You are my reason for living.
- “Puedo estar sin comer, sin beber y hasta sin respirar, pero no puedo estar sin ti.” meaning: I can go without eating, drinking, and even breathing, but I can’t live without you.
- “Siento que mi corazón se rompa cuando me alejas.” meaning: I feel like my heart is breaking when you distance yourself from me.
- “Si te vas, moriré.” meaning: If you leave, I will die.
- “Nunca te alejes de mí, porque sin ti no puedo vivir.” meaning: Never leave me, because without you I can’t live.
- “Nunca te olvidaré, ni te dejaré it.” meaning: I will never forget you and I will never let you go.
- “Nunca me abandones, porque sin tu apoyo ya no tendré fuerzas para seguir.” meaning: Never leave me, because without your support I won’t have the strength to continue.
- “Eres el aire que respiro y sin ti no podría vivir” meaning: You are the air that I breathe and without you I wouldn’t be able to live.
- “Eres la mitad de mi alma y sin ti no puede vivir.” meaning: You are the other half of my soul and without you i can’t live.
- “Si me preguntas cómo estoy, solo te puedo decir que muero por dentro.” meaning: If you ask me how I am, I can only tell you that I’m dying inside.
Love Quotes in Spanish to give Comfort
Kind words are a great way to reassure your partner of your feelings for them. Below are some great love quotes in Spanish that will give comfort for those in need.
- “Si estas triste, ven a mí y te haré reír hasta que te canses.” meaning: If you are sad, come to me and I will make you laugh until you get tired.
- “Siempre estaré a tu lado.” meaning: I will always be by your side.
- “Eres lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida.” meaning: You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
- “Siempre estaré a tu lado para lo que necesites” meaning: I will always be by your side for whatever you need.
- “Puedes confiar en mi hasta el final de los tiempos” meaning: You can trust me until the end of times.
Compliments in Spanish
“A good way to make people adore you is by flattering them, and a great compliment is telling them they look beautiful.” — Marc Anthony
- “Al verte me doy cuenta que soy la persona más afortunada del mundo.” meaning: When I see you, I realize that I am the luckiest person in the world.
- “Te adoro.” meaning: I adore you.
- “Por ti, estaría dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa” meaning: For you, I would be willing to do anything.
- “Todo el mundo necesita un amor como el que tú me das.” meaning: Everyone needs a love like the one you give to me.
- “No hay nada que no haría por ti.” meaning: I would do anything for you.
- “El primer día que te vi, supe inmediatamente que estarías conmigo para siempre” meaning: The first day that I saw you, I knew immediately that you would be with me forever.
- “Todo lo puedo perder menos a ti.” meaning: I can lose everything except for you.
- “No vivo más que para ti.” meaning: I don’t live anymore except for you.
- “Eres el motivo de mi sonrisa cada día.” meaning: You are the reason for my smile every day.
- “Nunca cambies, porque eres perfecto tal y como eres.” meaning: Don’t ever change, because you are perfect just the way you are.
- “Nunca dejes de sonreír, porque esa sonrisa me enamoró.” meaning: Never stop smiling, because that smile is what made me fall in love with you.
- “Tu sonrisa es lo más bonito que hay en este mundo.” meaning: Your smile is the most beautiful thing in this world.
- “Eres mi todo, sin ti no soy nada.” meaning: You are everything to me, without you I’m nothing.
- “Sé que a veces soy muy difícil de querer, pero no cambiaría nada de ti” meaning: I know that i’m sometimes very hard to love, but i wouldn’t change anything about you.
El Amor – Romantic Spanish Love Phrases
Love is a word that everyone throws around loosely these days, but too often it’s used as a label or a status symbol, rather than as an expression of how much someone really cares about someone else.
Romantic Spanish quotes give a unique touch to romantic texts and make our message more emotional.
- “No hay palabras para describir lo que significas para mí” meaning: There are no words to describe what you mean to me.
- “Mi amor por ti nunca morirá.” meaning: My love for you will never die.
- “Eres para mí, como una estrella que guía mi vida” meaning: You are for me, like a star that guides my life.
- “Eres la razón de mi existir y el motivo de cada minuto que vivo.” meaning: You are the reason of my existence and the motivation for every minute I live.
- “Solo sé que estás tan enamorada como lo estoy yo” meaning: I only know that you’re as in love as I am.
- “Nunca pensé que fueras a ser el amor de mi vida” meaning: I never thought that you would be the love of my life.
- “Si te vas, me quedo sin un pedacito de mi alma” meaning: If you go away, I’ll be left with a piece of my soul missing.
- “Te quiero y esa es la verdad, pero me duele decirte que no estoy enamorada de ti.” meaning: I like you and that’s the truth, but it hurts to say that I’m not in love with you.
- “Donde quiera que vayas siempre llevarás un pedazo de mi corazón.” meaning: Wherever you go, take a piece of my heart with you.
- “Si tan solo supieras cuánto te amo, me seguirías hasta el fin del mundo.” meaning: If only you knew how much i love you, you would follow me to the end of the world.
- “A veces pienso que podría perderte en cualquier moment” meaning: Sometimes I think that I could lose you any moment.
- “Nunca dejaré de quererte, aunque seas una persona muy difícil de querer.” meaning: I’ll never stop loving you, even if you’re a very hard person to love.
- “Eres la persona que más he querido en la vida y seguirás siendo la persona a la que quiero más.” meaning: You’re the person that I’ve loved the most in my life and you’ll continue to be the person I love the most.
- “En el fondo de mi corazón sabes que eres lo único que quiero” meaning: Deep down in my heart you know that you’re the only thing I want.
- “Por mucho tiempo que pase, nuestro amor nunca se acabará.” meaning: No matter how long it takes, our love will never die.
- “Eres el amor de mi vida y lo sabes.” meaning: You’re the love of my life and you know it.
- “Mi amor por ti es eterno” meaning: My love for you is eternal.
- “Eres el único que tiene el poder de hacerme sonreír aún en los momentos más difíciles.” meaning: You’re the only one that has the power to make me smile even in the most difficult moments.
- “Tú eres mi mundo” meaning: You’re my world.
- “Nunca dejaré de amarte, ni siquiera en el momento de mi muerte.” meaning: I’ll never stop loving you, not even at the moment of my death.
- “Eres la persona que quiero a mi lado para toda la vida.” meaning: You’re the person that I want by my side for life.
- “El amor es ciego y estúpido, pero aún así lo seguimos buscando” meaning: Love is blind and stupid, but we still keep looking for it.
- “Nuestro amor es tan fuerte que nada lo puede destruir” meaning: Our love is so strong that nothing can destroy it.
- “Eres el único que tiene el poder de hacerme olvidar todos mis problemas” meaning: You’re the only one that has the power to make me forget all my problems.
- “Nuestro amor es único y especial” meaning: Our love is unique and special.
- “Te quiero más que a nada en este mundo” meaning: I love you more than anything in this world.
- “Eres el único que tiene el poder de hacerme feliz” meaning: You’re the only one that has the power to make me happy.
Spanish love quotes are beautiful, soulful, and full of meaning. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, these romantic words will make you appreciate the power of love. The next time you feel down, read through some of these romantic Spanish phrases to remind yourself how amazing love truly is.