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springtime in paris

Spring in French – French Vocabulary 101


When Winter is leaving and the sun starts warming up the air during the day, the French start enjoying life outdoors again. Spring and autumn are the best times to travel to Paris. Especially spring offers the best travel weather for Paris, warm but not too hot. The parks are greening and blooming, and the cafes and restaurants are gradually filling up again. You really get the feeling the city of love is becoming more and more lively. So let’s have a little chat about spring in French.

The French word for spring is le printemps.

And as spring has also other meanings in English other than the season (like e.g. “spring mattress” or “spring water”): Don’t you worry. We have got those covered as well at the end of this post.

Spring in French

spring in french: les printemps
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Let’s look at expressions in the English language and what the translations in the French language are.

English ExpressionsFrench TranslationsGender
spring awakeningl’éveil du printempsmasculine
spring breakles vacances de printempsplural
spring chickenle poulainmasculine
spring cleaningle nettoyage de printempsmasculine
spring dayle jour du printempsmasculine
spring festivalla fête du printempsfeminine
spring feverles émotions printanièresplural
spring flowersles fleurs de printempsplural
spring makeoverla cure de printempsfeminine
spring monthle mois du printempsmasculine
spring onionl’oignon de printempsmasculine
spring rollle rouleau de printempsmasculine
spring shoppingles courses de printempsplural
spring therapyla thérapie de printempsfeminine
spring tirednessla fatigue printanièrefeminine
spring weatherle temps printaniermasculine
spring wheatle blé de printempsmasculine
spring woodle bois de printempsmasculine

Example Sentences

  • Pendant les vacances de printemps, nous allons visiter un festival de musique. — This spring break, we are visiting a music festival.
  • Ma femme adore décorer notre maison avec des fleurs de printemps. — My wife loves to decorate our house with spring flowers.
  • Je suis toujours fatigué. Ça doit être la fatigue du printemps, je suppose.— I’m always tired. It must be spring tiredness I guess.
  • Chaque année, lorsque l’hiver maussade prend fin, le réveil du printemps est un véritable miracle. — Every year when the dreary winter ends, the spring awakening is like a true miracle.

Other words containing Spring in French

Spring has more than one meaning in the English language. Apart from the season, ist can also mean e.g. the source of a river, or a coiled spring. So, if you were looking for these, here they are.

English ExpressionsFrench TranslationsGender
coiled springle ressort hélicoïdalmasculine
spring (of a river)la sourcefeminine
spring constantla constante du ressortfeminine
spring gunle pistolet à ressortmasculine
spring lockla serrure à ressortfeminine
spring mattressle matelas à ressortsmasculine
spring scalela balance à ressortfeminine
spring waterl’eau de sourcemasculine
springform panle moule à ressortmasculine

Example Sentences

  • Il n’y a rien de plus rafraîchissant qu’une eau de source fraîche lors d’une randonnée. — There’s nothing more refreshing than some cool spring water when you’re on a hiking trip.
  • J’ai oublié de sortir le gâteau du four et maintenant mon moule à charnière est ruiné! — I forgot to take the cake out of the oven and now my springform pan is ruined!