Valentine’s day is fast getting closer, and many guys are looking for a gift for their girlfriends. How about a new adorable name to call your girl? We have researched some cute names to call your girlfriend in spanish that will impress her with no end.
Spanish is undisputedly one of the world’s most romantic languages. Getting a Spanish pet name will no doubt impress your girlfriend especially if she knows some little bit of Spanish. Even more so, of course, if Spanish is her mother tongue.
Let’s start with the traditional names like “mi amor” and “mi vida.” “Mi amor” simply means “my love” while “mi vida” means “my life.” Some of the most common Spanish pet names include “corazón” and “cielo.” “Mi corazón” means “my (sweet)heart” and “cielo” is the equivalent of “darling” or “honey” in English.
You can also add the phrase “ito” to these names to make them sweeter. For instance, you can say “cielito” and “corazoncito.”
These four names are just the beginning, as we have compiled a list of Spanish pet names for a girlfriend that you can choose from.
Our List of Spanish Pet Names for a Girlfriend
- Mi alma
You can call your girlfriend “mi alma” which translates to “my soul.” This name is not used lightly because of its strong wording. If you are serious about your girlfriend and feel the relationship is significant enough, then this name will be perfect for her. - Amada
Amada translates to beloved (girl) or lady-love. - Bomboncita
This name comes from the word “bombon” which means candy. The adding of the diminutive suffix -ita expresses the smallness or cuteness of the candy. Bomboncita, therefore, means “little candy” and can be used as a pet name for your girlfriend in the same context you will use the word “sweetie.” - Cariño
Means “honey” or “darling”. Please note that you always use Cariño, not Cariña. It’s a term of endearment and its gender doesn’t change, even when you are referring to a girl. - Chula
This name literary means cool, cute and generally nice. It is used across all ages, but its use is restricted to Spain and some parts of Latin America. In some Spanish contexts, it sounds negative and old-fashioned. When you call your girlfriend chula, it is more of an expression of interest in her. - Mi Cielito
The poetic meaning of this name is “my little sky.” It can also be used to mean “my little heaven.” It is mostly used with children but can also be used among lovers. Calling your girlfriend, “mi Cielito” will, therefore, make her feel elevated. It can also be used to show fondness between the two of you.

- Conejita
A coneja is a rabbit or bunny in Spanish. But the word is also used to describe a prolific woman. In it’s diminutive form conejita it’s less likely to be seen as offensive but leaning more towards the “bunny girl” interpretation. - Mi Corazon
This name means “my heart,” and it can be a nice way of expressing love to your girlfriend. You can also use “Corazon” alone to pass the same message. Calling your girlfriend this name will be equivalent to calling her sweetheart. - Estrella
“Eres mi estrella (de la suerte)” is a sweet compliment meaning “you are my (lucky) star.” Any girl should be flattered by this appreciation. - Flaca
The descriptive adjectives in Spanish usually form very good nicknames. This name literary translates to “skinny,” and it might seem quite offensive in the English context. In the Spanish context, you can add the suffix -ito to make it romantic. Since the word ends with a letter “c,” to maintain the hard K sound, the letter q is introduced. You can, therefore, call your girlfriend flaquita. - Guapa
Guapa means handsome, good-looking. It’s often used in the greeting “¡Hola Guapa!” (“Hello Beautiful!”) when you meet a girl or woman dear to you. - Gordita
It is translated as “my fat” or “my fatty” and is commonly used to refer to lovers regardless of their weight. It is a nonoffensive pet name that you can use on your girlfriend. You should, however, avoid using the word Gorda as this refers to “just straight fat” so that you don’t get a slap on your face from your girlfriend. - Hermosa
Just like guapa above, hermosa describes a beautiful or attractive woman. A compliment every woman will accept. - Linda
The name translates to good, pretty and nice. Unlike in the English context, the name can be used for both men and women. You can add an exclamation mark to make it more complimentary. Calling your girlfriend ¡Que Linda! is the same way you like telling her “how pretty” she is in the English context. - Mami
This is a Spanish slang that stands for “baby” or “sexy.” It can also be used to refer to a woman you hold in higher esteem than others. You can, therefore, use this name on your girlfriend, and she will feel highly valued. You can also use its variations like Mamita and Mamacita. - Mariposa
This is the Spanish word for butterfly. If your girlfriend loves the beauty of a butterfly, then she will actually feel special to be called this pet name. - Mi Media Naranja
This Spanish name is the equivalent of the “better half” or “soul mate” in English. The literal translation is “my half an orange.” Your girlfriend will feel great to be compared to this amazing fruit in the Spanish context. - Muñeca
Muñeca means both wrist (in an anatomical sense) as well as (little) doll. It’s used to refer to a cute girl. - Nena
The Spanish name “Nena” translates to “baby girl.” You can, therefore, use it to refer to your girlfriend the same way you could call her “baby.” Your girlfriend can also call you “Nene” to mean “babe.” - Pollito
This Spanish pet name translates as “small chicken” and is used among various Spanish cultures. When you call your girlfriend “pollito“, you simply mean she is attractive, cute and adorable - Querido
Querido means darling as well as lover, both in a romantic and a physical sense. In a term such as “mi amigo más querido” it translates to “my dearest friend”. Like cariño above it can be used on both sexes and always ends with an “o”, never with an “a”. - Reinita
Reinita literary means a little queen while “Princesa” means princess. You can call your girlfriend any of these names to make her feel special. These names are mostly reserved for little girls and little ladies but will feel romantic when used on any woman.
If you want a more mature form you can use “mi reina,” meaning she’s your queen. And – no doubt – rightly so. A title which can only be topped by “reina de corazones“, the “queen of hearts”. - Mi Sol
My sun, meaning she is the brightest star in your universe! And which woman wouldn’t want that? 😉 - Chocho
The last pet name on our list is a bit raunchy. It is a Spanish slang word for female genitals and can be literary translated to mean pussy. In the southern region of Spain, this name is used to refer to a chick. It is commonly pronounced as “shosho” in the Gaditano dialect. Its diminutive “chochete” is more tender to use on your girlfriend.
We all enjoy the experience of calling our lovers names other than their actual names. For strangers, these may sound awkward, weird, and funny, but most people in a close relationship enjoy having their own romantic vocabulary. These cute pet names develop over time and for most people they are a symbol for the intimacy and bonding in a relationship.
For instance, calling your sweetheart “carinin” makes her feel special. If your girlfriend hears you calling her small pigeon, it may sound belittling. When you call her a Spanish equivalent of the small pigeon, “palomita,” it becomes something special.
Finding Spanish pet names for a girlfriend is, therefore, one of the best ways to make your girlfriend happy and enthusiastic about the new name. A name like “bizcochito” may mean little biscuits in English but is quite romantic when it is used as a Spanish pet name.
We have shared our list of Spanish pet names for a girlfriend with you. So you can choose from among the nicknames we have given you in this article.
Pick one of them and try something new with your girlfriend by using a Spanish pet name for her.
And in case you’re looking for some more romantic words in Spanish, why don’t you head over to our list of Spanish love words? You’re bound to find some more sweet talk you can use to charm your loved one.