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¡Hola, guapa! – How to Flirt in Spanish

Social life in foreign countries is an indispensable part of language learning. When you want to learn Spanish, strolling in the streets of your holiday destination, visiting bars and restaurants, meeting and talking with the locals are some of the amazing things you can do during your next visit to a foreign country. And who knows? You might even meet the love of your life there. That’s why today we will examine how to flirt in Spanish!

Undoubtedly, it is fun and enjoyable to use podcasts, movies, and social media to learn the Spanish language. However, they are not enough to have real and love-filled conversations, especially if your crush is a native speaker. So in this article, we are going to tell you about some Spanish flirting phrases and pick up lines in Spanish you can use.

But be advised that this article is about language, going with the flow, having a good time and enjoying life. If you consider yourself a pick up artist, always aiming to “score”, this article probably isn’t for you. Flirting is a favorite pastime of many Spanish speakers, but that doesn’t mean it will necessarily lead to anything more serious. It can do, but you should see it more as adding some spice to your life and not as a profession. All we want to do is give you some words and phrases that can help you break the ice.

flirting lines in spanish
In Madrid even the buildings tell you that flirting is an important part of life. —
Image by falco from Pixabay

How to flirt in Spanish

Flirting in Spanish as in any other language requires a few steps to turn vanilla conversations into romantic and flirty ones. These techniques should help you to have interesting and long-lasting conversations with your crush. If you are a guy, keep in mind that Spanish girls are used to men flirting with them. So they might not melt away just by you saying hello. On the other hand, you are a stranger from another country. So that should make you more interesting anyway and give you a head-start.

In case you are a woman: Spanish men aren’t used to girls making the first step, so they could be a bit irritated at first. But if they like you, they will soon recover. 🙂

First Contact

If you don’t know the other person, you will have to introduce yourself first. You may consider flirting from a distance technically. However, there are risks that you might overdo it. So it will not be of much use in order to start a romantic relationship with your Spanish crush. Thus, it would be wise to focus on keeping the correct mindset. At this stage it is not necessary to impress them. An ordinary introduction will suffice.

  • Hola, yo soy Monica
  • which means “Hi, I am Monica.”
  • Let me introduce myself, my name is John.

Permítanme presentarme, mi nombre es John.

If you want something a bit bolder, you can try ¡Hola, guapa! when you are addressing a girl.

Or ¡Hola, guapo! when you are talking to a guy.

Guapa / guapo means beautiful in Spanish and works for both sexes in Spain. In Latin America Guapo can also mean beau or thug, so it might not be the best choice.

Try the one-line Story

Telling the one-line story is a great option to start a conversation. You can enter into a conversation with a specific person, and talk about the reasons for your stay in the place. You can also speak about what interests you. Some phrases you might use in this context include:

Acabo de llegar y ya me he perdido dos veces – It means “I have just arrived and already got lost twice.”

¡Veo que a ti también te gusta el buceo! – It is translated as “I see that you also like scuba diving!”

Once you have begun a conversation, it becomes easier to reveal the other persons flirty, funny, and romantic sides.

the right spanish flirting phrases can lead to having a very good time
The right Spanish flirting phrases can lead to having a very good time! —
Image by Thomas Ermer from Pixabay

Keep changing the Subject

When you notice that the conversation is rolling already, you can speak to your crush about anything. But it will soon be awkward if you keep repeating the opening lines. Once you realize that you have spoken about a specific topic a lot, it is recommended to move onto the next topic.

Till you think that both of you are enjoying the conversation, keep going. The more you keep talking to the other person, the more you will be successful in showing your real side to the person.

Ask the person you like if he/she is seeing someone

Even if you get the impression that the other person is interested in you as well, they might not be free to go for a long-term romantic relationship. Hence, it would be a good idea to ask them politely, “are you single” by using the phrases “Espero que no te moleste que te pregunte, pero stás soltera?”

I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are you single?

Make Plans for the next Meeting

During the conversation, if you get positive vibes from the person, you can ask whether he/she would be interested in meeting you again. You should try exchanging phone numbers so that you can text or call. In addition, you can ask whether the person you like would be interested in going on a date with you.

In this context, you can try some pick up lines, such as

¿Uieres salir conmigo? that translates “Do you want to go out with me?”

¿Te gustaría ir a bailar esta noche? Would you like to go dancing tonight?

Flirting Lines in Spanish

flirting in spanish phrases
Flirting in Spanish phrases: Mi color favorito siempre serán tus ojos marrones —
Image by James Fernandes Silva from Pixabay

When it comes to romantic phrases in Spanish, much depends on the right setting what works and what doesn’t. When you are at the beach on a warm night and the moon throwing a soft light on you, whispering some romantic words into the ear of your crush will work wonders. On the other hand, declaring eternal love to someone you just met at the airport will probably get them to run away screaming. However, here are some examples for flirting in Spanish you can try when the time is right.

Genuine Spanish Flirting Phrases

Some may sound a bit odd when translated, but these are genuine Spanish phrases for flirting.

Mi color favorito siempre sera el de tus ojos

The meaning of this phrase is “My favorite color will always be that of your eyes.” This phrase is a great option to compliment the eyes of your crush.

Tengo los ojos llenos de ganas de verte

This phrase translates as “My eyes are full of desire to see you.” Many people use this phrase when they find they are missing their loved ones and want to meet them.

Standard Flirting Phrases in Spanish

Nothing fancy here, just the standard vocabulary. But there’s a reason why people keep saying these things. Because they work.

  • You have a beautiful smile. — Tienes una hermosa sonrisa.
  • Do you believe in love at first sight? — ¿Crees en el amor a primera vista?
  • Can I invite you to a drink? — ¿Te invito una copa?
  • Would you like to dance? — ¿Quieres bailar?
  • I would like to see you again. — Me gustaría volver a verte.
  • I can’t stop thinking of you. — No puedo dejar de pensar en ti.
  • I fell in love with you. — Me enamoré de ti.
  • I’m in love with you. — Estoy enamorado de ti. / Estoy enamorada de ti.
  • I love you. — Te quiero. / Te amo.
how to flirt in spanish
How to flirt in Spanish: ¡Te quiero! — Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Pick up Lines in Spanish

Obviously, some lines you normally use in English won’t work in Spanish as they are a play on words or refer to some English TV show or other cultural background a Spanish speaking person might not know. So we picked some phrases which work even when translated from English to Spanish.

  • You are so beautiful that you made me forget my pick up line. —
    Eres tan hermosa que me has hecho olvidar mi frase para ligar.
  • Hi, I’m writing a phone book, may I have your phone number? —
    Hola, estoy escribiendo una guía telefónica. ¿Puede darme su número de teléfono?
  • I’m sorry I wasn’t a part of your past. Can I make it up for it by being in your future? —
    Siento no haber formado parte de tu pasado. ¿Puedo compensarlo estando en tu futuro?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to pass by you again? —
    ¿Crees en el amor a primera vista o tengo que volver a pasar por ti?
  • Well, here I am! What are your other two wishes? —
    Bueno, ¡aquí estoy! ¿Cuáles son tus otros dos deseos?

Knowing when to stop

know when to stop flirting
Respect the signs and know when to stop flirting! —
Image by Tobias Albers-Heinemann from Pixabay

Now that you know how to flirt in Spanish, we also have to talk about when to stop. Obviously you are a great person and every other individual should be glad to spend time with you. But sometimes the object of your desire just doesn’t get it. Or maybe he or she is in a relationship already. So you should also know some of the phrases they will use to turn you down. And you should accept it. It might hurt at first, but it’s not the end of the world. Or to say it in Spanish: ¡Hay otros peces en el mar! (which translates as There are other fish in the sea.)

  • Lo siento, pero me tengo que ir. — I am sorry, but I have to go.
  • No estoy interesado. — I am not interested.
  • Seamos sólo amigos. — Let’s just be friends.
  • Tengo una novia. — I have a girlfriend.
  • Tengo un novio. — I have a boyfriend.
  • Estoy comprometido. — I am engaged.
  • Estoy casado. — I am married.
  • ¡Déjame en paz! — Leave me alone!

How to flirt in Spanish – Conclusion

Don’t shy away from flirting in Spanish just because you do not know the language properly or believe that you do not have enough Spanish words in your dictionary. Flirting in Spanish is an amazing exercise to get you out of your comfort zone. Apart from the possibility to find a partner, you will also learn more about the language. It is not hard and fast to be super original.