If children and babies are so good at learning a language, why not copy them right? If you’ve been in the language learning community for awhile, then you’re sure to have heard of the concept of learning like a child. It’s often promoted as the “natural” way of learning. The whole concept of it is flawed however and shouldn’t be taken seriously.
I’m not going to lie though, I fell for it. When I was learning Japanese years ago, I tried this method of learning like a child. I sat there and listened, listened, and listened some more. I listened to everything and anything I could. I really, really tried to be a child again.
It didn’t work.
Problem is, I didn’t know what I was hearing and would never know what was being said. It just wasn’t going to work no matter how hard I tried. My brain only heard noise.
Learning like a Child doesn’t work. You’re an Adult, Not a Child
Seems obvious enough huh? You’re not a kid anymore. You’re all grown up and you have skills that children don’t. They do not have the ability to read and write yet, but you do. Why would you not get started on all skills of learning a language? Speaking right away, reading, and writing are all things you can do that children and babies cannot do at the beginning but you can, because you are an adult.
Children Take Years to Begin Speaking
You can learn and become semi-fluent in most languages within a year. Children take over a year to even utter a word and another two years to begin speaking full sentences. We as adults don’t want to spend the time, nor do we have the time to be fully immersed like a child. We have other priorities to take care of.
This is good for us though because we can learn faster. Our brains are more developed. Try to teach a child something new and you’ll see how much longer it will take than if you taught an adult. As the saying goes, you’re never too old to learn something new (and faster).
Learning a Second Language is Different From Your First
There has been a lot of research done that shows learning a second language is different than your first. When children begin learning, they don’t have another language getting in the way of it. They can’t learn grammar, they can’t translate into another language. All they can do is listen. They learn very differently because they don’t even know a first language.
I mean think about it. All they can do is absorb the sounds. When you learn a second language, you already have the ability to speak, read, and write. Not too mention, you can do those things in another language.
Children Have Constant Stimulation
Have you ever thought about how much a baby is being bombarded by the language they’re growing up with? They’re constantly hearing it, being talked to and taught new words by their parents or teachers. They have consistent immersion in the language. Non-stop.
Most people don’t have this constant immersion. You live in an environment surrounded by your language. You have to work in it, listen to it, and live it. No one is constantly talking to you in another language or teaching you like they teach a baby.
The only somewhat exception to this would be if you live in the country of the language you’re learning. But still, it’s not exactly the same thing.
With all being said, don’t fall for this “natural” approach. The learning like a child method just doesn’t work. You’re an adult, you can learn faster, learning your second language is different anyway, and you don’t have constant stimulation like a child.
What are your thoughts? Am I wrong or do you agree? Leave a comment and tell me!