We all have busy lives and sometimes it’s hard to find the time to do the things you want to do. The good news about language learning is that you only need to study for an hour a day at the minimum. Just be aware that the amount of new words, grammar rules, and so on that you can pick up in a week will be different for each person. Here’s what you need to do to learn a language.
Set aside periods during the day at which you can study
The first thing you’ll want to do is set aside some time during your day at which you can study the language. Just look at your typical day’s schedule and figure out what time you have where you could study. Some examples include – your lunch break, on your way to work when stuck in traffic, while you’re getting ready in the morning, and before you go to bed.
You’ll want to make sure that you get at least 10 minutes in every time you have the free time during the day. Let’s say that you study 6 times during the week in 10 minute sessions. In one day, you’ll have gotten 1 hour in – the minimum you need. At the end of the week, you’ll have over 7 hours to account for.
Set weekly goals for yourself

The next thing you should do is create some weekly goals you have in mind. For example – learn 30 new words this week. You might be wondering what this has to do with finding time but allow me to explain.
Have you ever had a goal you’ve given yourself before? Did you follow through on it? Did you make time for it during the day no matter what? By setting a weekly language goal, you’ll be more motivated and will naturally find more time to study and learn.
Places and times you can study
As exemplified in the first point, there are many places you can study where you’ll have free time. Do you have a busy commute to work? Study while stuck in traffic. You could even listen to audio even if not stuck in traffic.
In the morning and before you go to bed are other great times to study. The morning might be a bit busy, but you could still listen to audio. Before you go to bed is also a perfect time to study. Surely you can take 10 minutes off your sleeping schedule to get some time in? It’s also great because you actually remember things better if you study before you go to sleep.
Add up all the small time spent here and there and by the end of the week you’ll have gotten plenty of practice in. Now you have no excuse not to learn! No more saying, “I don’t have the time.” Everybody does, you just have to choose to use it.
What do you think? Have any other tips for finding time?