Animals are a fascinating subject, so we will talk about animal names in French in todays blog post! Animals have always played a significant role in the life of man. Initially, mainly either as prey or as a threat when man himself became the prey. Later, however, also as farm animals that performed the heavy work for us and, of course, as comrades and friends in the form of pets.
Particularly beautiful evidence of how far back the relationship between man and animal goes, can be found in France in the form of animal paintings dating back between 15,000 and possibly as early as 36,000 BC in the caves of Lascaux and Chauvet.
Table of Contents
- Farm Animal Names in French – Noms des animaux de la ferme
- French Names for Pets (Noms des animaux domestiques)
- French Animal Names for Forest Animals
- Bird Names in French – Noms d’oiseaux
- Fish Names in French
- Water Animals in French (Les animaux aquatiques)
- French Animal Names for African Animals
- French Names of Polar Animals
- French Names of Extinct Animals
Farm Animal Names in French – Noms des animaux de la ferme
Unfortunately, the old-fashioned farm with all kinds of different animals is pretty rare these days. The economic need for higher yields turned many farms into highly specialized mono-cultures.
But more and more farmers are turning to environmentally friendly farming, and their livestock is often more like we used to know it. All sorts of animals, each producing a different food. So, if you want to show your kids a farm like it’s still pictured in many children’s books with all kinds of farm animals, these are the ones to visit.
Farm Animals in French – Les animaux de la ferme
Animal | French Singular | French Plural | Indefinite Article |
Boar | le sanglier | les sangliers | un sanglier |
Bull | le taureau | les taureaux | un taureau |
Cattle | la vache | le bétail | une vache |
Chick | le poussin | les poussins | un poussin |
Chicken | le poulet | les poulets | un poulet |
Cow | la vache | les vaches | une vache |
Donkey | l’âne | les ânes | un âne |
Duck | le canard | les canards | un canard |
Ewe | la brebis | les brebis | une brebis |
Gander | le jars | les jars | un jars |
Goat | la chèvre | les chèvres | une chèvre |
Goose | l’oie | les oies | une oie |
He-Goat | le bouc | les boucs | un bouc |
Horse | le cheval | les chevaux | un cheval |
Ox | le bœuf | les boeufs | un bœuf |
Pig | le cochon | les cochons | un cochon |
Piglet | le porcelet | les porcelets | un porcelet |
Ram | le bélier | les béliers | un bélier |
Rooster | le coque | les coqs | un coque |
Sheep | le mouton | le mouton | un mouton |
Stallion | l’étalon | les étalons | un étalon |
French Names for Pets (Noms des animaux domestiques)
French bulldogs have been immensely popular in recent years. But apart from bulldogs, the French have other pets as well such as birds, cats, or hamsters. So let’s take a look at pet names in French. (When you are searching for bird names, please scroll down to the appropriate section.)
Animal | French Singular | French Plural | Indefinite Article |
Cat | le chat | les chats | un chat |
Dog | le chien | les chiens | un chien |
Guinea Pig | le cochon d’Inde | les cochons d’inde | un cochon d’Inde |
Hamster | le hamster | les hamsters | un hamster |
Hare | le lièvre | les lièvre | un lièvre |
Mouse | la souris | les souris | une souris |
Rabbit | le lapin | les lapins | un lapin |
Rat | le rat | les rats | un rat |
Snake | le serpent | les serpents | un serpent |
Turtle | la tortue | les tortues | une tortue |
French Animal Names for Forest Animals
The woods are great places to take a walk and relax. The air is clean and full of oxygen, the trees, shrubs, lakes and brooks are beautiful. And when you’re lucky you can se all kinds of animals as well. Little ones like ants or hedgehogs or larger ones like foxes or badgers, they are all fascinating. Just make sure you keep a respectful distance, so you don’t scare them and both you and the animal stay safe.
Animal | French Singular | French Plural | Indefinite Article |
Ant | la fourmi | les fourmis | une fourmi |
Badger | le blaireau | les blaireaux | un blaireau |
Bat | la chauve-souris | les chauves-souris | une chauve-souris |
Blind Worm | le ver lent | les vers lents | un ver lent |
Brown Bear | l’ours brun | les ours bruns | un ours brun |
Fallow Deer | le daim | les daim | un daim |
Fox | le renard | les renards | un renard |
Hare | le lièvre | les lièvres | un lièvre |
Hedgehog | le hérisson | les hérissons | un hérisson |
Lynx | le lynx | les lynx | un lynx |
Marten | la martre | les martres | une martre |
Rabbit | le lapin | les lapins | un lapin |
Roe Deer | le cerf | les cerf | un cerf |
Wild Boar | le sanglier | les sangliers | un sanglier |
Wolf | le loup | les loups | un loup |
Bird Names in French – Noms d’oiseaux
Most people love birds. Many have spectacular colors and are lovely to watch. And some are able to sing most beautifully. And they can fly, which most of us will envy.
Animal | French Singular | French Plural | Indefinite Article |
Atlantic Puffin | le macareux | les macareux | un macareux |
Budgie | la perruche | les perruches | une perruche |
Chicken | le poulet | les poulets | un poulet |
Cockatoo | le cacatoès | les cacatoès | un cacatoès |
Duck | le canard | les canards | un canard |
Eagle | l’aigle | les aigles | un aigle |
Magpie | la pie | les pies | une pie |
Owl | la chouette | les chouettes | une chouette |
Parrot | le perroquet | les perroquets | un perroquet |
Raven | le corbeau | les corbeaux | un corbeau |
Sea-Gull | la mouette | les mouettes | une mouette |
Sparrow | le moineau | les moineaux | un moineau |
Swallow | l’hirondelle | les hirondelles | une hirondelle |
Swan | le cygne | les cygnes | un cygne |
Vulture | le vautour | les vautours | un vautour |
Fish Names in French
Fish are interesting and lovely to observe, whether its sweet water fish (poissons d’eau douce) or salt water fish (poissons d’eau salée). Which is of course the reason why so many people have fish tanks at home. Especially fish from warmer regions often have spectacular colors and I never get bored watching them.
Animal | French Singular | French Plural | Indefinite Article |
Angel Fish | le poisson-ange | le poisson-ange | un poisson-ange |
Carp | la carpe | les carpes | une carpe |
Catfish | le poisson-chat | les poissons-chat | un poisson-chat |
Cichlid | le tilapia | les cichlidés | un tilapia |
Gold Fish | le poisson rouge | les poissons rouge | un poisson rouge |
Guppy | le guppy | les guppys | un guppy |
Hogfish | le labre capitaine | les labre capitaine | un labre capitaine |
Pike | le brochet | les brochets | un brochet |
Salmon | le saumon | les saumons | un saumon |
Shark | le requin | le requins | un requin |
Sturgeon | l’esturgeon | les esturgeons | un esturgeon |
Surgeonfish | le poisson chirurgien | les poisson chirurgien | un poisson chirurgien |
Triggerfish | le baliste | les baliste | un baliste |
Zander | le sandre | les sandre | un sandre |
Water Animals in French (Les animaux aquatiques)
There are more animals than just fish in our lakes, rivers and oceans. Apart from sea birds there are all kinds of different inhabitants of our waters. If you ever took part in a diving course, you know how lively and fascinating the wildlife under water can be.
Animals | French Singular | French Plural | Indefinite Article |
Cuttlefish | le calmar | les calmars | un calmar |
Dolphin | le dauphin | les dauphins | un dauphin |
Frog | la grenouille | les grenouilles | une grenouille |
Jellyfish | la méduse | la méduse | une méduse |
Krill | le krill | no plural form | – |
Lobster | le homard | les homards | un homard |
Mussel | la moule | les moules | une moule |
Octopus | la pieuvre | pieuvres | une pieuvre |
Oyster | l’huître | les huîtres | une huître |
Shrimp | le crabe | les crabes | un crabe |
Starfish | l’étoile de mer | les étoile de mer | une étoile de mer |
Toad | le crapaud | les crapauds | un crapaud |
Turtle | la tortue | les tortues | une tortue |
Whale | la baleine | les baleines | une baleine |
French Animal Names for African Animals
Africa is full of interesting animals. Beautiful ones like antelopes and zebras, tall ones like elephants and giraffes or ferocious ones like lions or leopards. They are all fascinating and much better to be observed and admired than to be hunted.
Animals | French Singular | French Plural | Indefinite Article |
Antelope | l’antilope | les antilopes | une antilope |
Buffalo | le buffle | les buffles | un buffle |
Chimpanzee | le chimpanzé | les chimpanzés | un chimpanzé |
Elephant | l’éléphant | les éléphants | un éléphant |
Gazelle | la gazelle | les gazelles | une gazelle |
Giraffe | la girafe | les girafes | une girafe |
Gorilla | le gorille | les gorilles | un gorille |
Leopard | le léopard | les léopards | un léopard |
Lion | le lion | les lions | un lion |
Rhino | le rhinocéros | les rhinocéros | un rhinocéros |
Wildebeest | le gnou | les gnous | un gnou |
Zebra | le zèbre | les zèbres | un zèbre |
French Names of Polar Animals
The pole regions belong to the areas with the toughest conditions for survival on this planet. Ice and snow and temperatures well below freezing point. But some animals specialized in survival under these circumstances. Whether it’s polar bears at the North Pole or penguins at the South Pole, these animals are masters in living with extremes.
Animals | French Singular | French Plural | Indefinite Article |
Arctic Fox | le renard arctique | les renards arctiques | un renard arctique |
Arctic Hare | le lièvre des neiges | les lièvres des neiges | un lièvre des neiges |
Leopard Seal | le phoque léopard | les phoques léopards | un phoque léopard |
Musk Ox | le boeuf musqué | les bœufs musqués | un boeuf musqué |
Penguin | le pingouin | les pingouins | un pingouin |
Polar Bear | l’ours polaire | les ours polaires | un ours polaire |
Reindeer | le renne | le renne | un renne |
Sea Lion | le lion de mer | les lions de mer | un lion de mer |
Seal | le sceau | les scellés | un sceau |
Walrus | le morse | les morses | un morse |
French Names of Extinct Animals
There are an estimated 10 – 14 million different species on our planet today. But scientists assume that anywhere in the region of 5 and up to 50 billion species are extinct!
So the vast majority of species has vanished forever. Which may sound sad. But on the other hand, who would like to sit in a bus with a little fellow like the one in the picture above on the seat next to you? You wouldn’t? I thought so.
Animals | French Singular | French Plural | Indefinite Article |
Aurochs | le aurochs | les aurochs | un aurochs |
Caspian Tiger | le tigre de la Caspienne | les tigres de la Caspienne | un tigre de la Caspienne |
Dinosaur | le dinosaure | les dinosaures | un dinosaure |
Dodo | le dodo | les dodos | un dodo |
Mammoth | le mammouth | les mammouths | un mammouth |
Saber-toothed Tiger | le tigre à dents de sabre | les tigres à dents de sabre | un tigre à dents de sabre |
Thylacine | le loup de Tasmanie | les loups | un loup de Tasmanie |
This was our list of animal names in French. You should have enough material now for your next visit to a zoo. Looking for more French vocabulary? How about words of endearment in French?